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Beloved brothers and sisters, Honorable Reverends, and distinguished guests, may the Peace and Joy of our Father and our Lord Jesus be yours.

This day brings the commemoration of Siloe’s 20th anniversary. And as we celebrate our 20 years of existence, we stand in awe of God’s faithfulness, His blessings and ever present help in times of need. God has proven true to his word year after year, His strength has sustained us in the many battles that we are engaged in.

The God of the universe in His infinite wisdom had a great plan for Reverends Wilner and Naomi Prudent. Coming from New York in September 1989, God called Brother Wilner to full-time ministry as a pastor. He was then an Evangelist. His wife, Naomi, was already working in the Lord’s field under her pastor and overseer, of all Church of God in the States, Dr. Jacques Honoré.


Church of God of Siloé was founded in October 1989 at 9:30 at El Portal 181 NW 88th Street Miami. A few founding families are still with us today. Tiffeau, Elias, Labastille, Jerome, Jacinthe, Guillomette, and Desjardins, are some of them. Later, the Lord in His unfailing love sent us other families who supported us to this glorious day. Following many trial and tribulations, God led us to move from our first location to another on 119th Street. From 119, we went to 84th, more trials required us to leave once more, and we stayed at the YMCA for 4 months. Following these four months, we traveled an Easter Sunday and worshipped at the Miami Edison Middle School auditorium for 2 years. In the midst of it all however, God made provisions and we were able to purchase a building on 54th Street.  God is good.

The objective of the church is to train disciples live in a spirit of worship. The church started a program to help the church workers to better serve god in the ministry; which gave the church a reputation of opening blind eyes. The first group of certified students from the seminary was named holy missionary army. The worship services are the center of all churches activities. The impact that the church has on the community is without compassion. Revivals are filled with worship and praise has transformed the lives of many Christians aware of their spiritual lethargy. God has blessed Siloé tremendously. And by his grace Siloé has become the leader of all evangelical churches of South Florida in the area of worship and praise. 




A Name And A Vision:

The name of the church came from a special revelation that God gave to Reverend prudent when he was resisting the call of God. It came from John 9:7 and 21. Jesus said: Go and wash yourself in the pool of Silo, which means “sent”. He went, washed, and received sight. A second revelation was given to Reverend Prudent who changed the name to “Elohe Siloé” which means the Lord is the God of Siloé.” Siloé understood the Great Commission according to Matthew 28:19-20. Many need to hear the commission of Christ Jesus, “GO!” Siloé is a church whose character has impacted the Haitian community. It is a unique church. The vision to win Miami with worship and praise has been successful. The vision to help the church workers to understand their spiritual gifts through bible studies, and motivate the believers to cling to their vocation, and the hope they share in Christ Jesus was also a success. The gospel is preached, souls are converted to the Lord, and hearts are changed and sanctified. The church is moving forward.


A Growing Church:

From the foundation of the church, God prophesied to the leaders:”My spirit that will gather them.” As God kept his promise, many of God’s children are happy to be members of Siloé. Because of its doctrine, Siloé has been growing. Jesus is leading us and we have nothing to fear. Siloé has not stopped growing:

From 1989 to 1990, she went from 30 people to 300.

From 1990 to 1992, she had a total of 500 worshipers.

From 1992 til today, the worship services are filled to maximum capacity with 700+ people. We can’t stop growing in the midst of good and bad reputation. God is with us.


A Church on her knees:

Siloé was the first church in South Florida who started a series of prayer meetings called sis pou sis, meaning from 6 AM to 6 PM, or vice versa. These sessions open up the windows of heaven, and numerous miracles have taken place. It is not uncommon for the church to have 40 day revivals twice a year. At the wake of the new millennium, the Lord had so permitted that we conducted 76 full days of prayer until January 1st 2000.


A Missionary Church:

From the time of its foundation, Siloé has not stopped ministering in different churches in South Florida, and all over the US. Even in Haiti through church missionaries sent to preach the Gospel. Siloé has then also helped other churched grow by contributing largely during their construction phase.


A Church that is Moving Forward:

To celebrate 20 years of battle, 20 years of victory, 20 years of miracles, 20 years of excellence, 20 years of grace and blessings, and 20 years of God’s faithfulness, we praise God.  He has truly been our shield, our buckler, and our strength. Let’s all put our hands for the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, and the God of Siloé. For He is faithful, He is great, He is everlasting, from infinity to eternity, He is GOD!!!




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79-81 NW 54th Street

Miami, Florida 33127


Office Hours:


From 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM


Phone: (305)759-4669


Fax:     (305)754-9173



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